Why Member Management System?

Why Member Management System?

ou have a great team, yet you’re not getting the results you want despite working long hours. If this sounds like your situation, then this article is for you. If one or more of the points we briefly mention below apply to you, it’s time to review your resources and seriously consider acquiring a member management system.

Why Member Management System?

Information to Help You Use the Member Management System

Do you have a great team but find yourself frustrated by not getting the results you want, despite working long hours? If this sounds familiar, then this article is for you. If one or more of the situations we briefly describe below resonates with you, it may be time to review your resources and seriously consider acquiring a member management system.

Do you struggle to leave the office on time?
While handling your association's membership transactions, you might lose track of time and end up spending extra hours at the office. This is a common issue for institutions without a member management system, and it can make such organizations appear outdated.

Are Excel spreadsheets haunting your dreams?
Debtors in red, payers in green, event participants in light blue, donors in orange, and those who both attend and donate in yellow—are you finding yourself dreaming of these color-coded spreadsheets after long hours spent managing them? This is a clear sign that it's time to introduce a member management system like Aidango.

Are you worried about losing credibility while tracking each member individually?
When dues are due, do you struggle with the tedious task of tracking each member, marking payers, and contacting those with overdue payments? Are you concerned about potential credibility issues or legal risks from errors during this process? A member management system can handle these tasks automatically, reducing your risk and saving you time.

Have your member relationships weakened, and are you having trouble collecting dues?
Institutions without a member management system often have limited time for member relations. This can lead to diminished interaction and communication with your members, potentially causing you to lose them despite your best efforts. With a member management system, you can devote more time to strengthening these relationships.

Are you struggling to achieve your targeted participation in activities?
Organizing events while managing your other responsibilities can be challenging. If you are not managing your members effectively, it can be difficult to achieve the desired participation, no matter how much effort you put in. Aidango makes event management easier and gives you extra time to boost participation.

Are the costs of bulk emails and SMS messages hurting your budget?
For foundations and associations, email and SMS are crucial communication tools. However, purchasing these services externally can be expensive. Aidango offers cost-effective solutions for both, allowing you to manage member communication without worrying about high costs.

Have you drifted away from your goals?
Balancing member management tasks with other managerial responsibilities can distract you from your core objectives. Manually handling member follow-ups, ensuring engagement, and monitoring payments can be inefficient and overwhelming.

The member management system from Aidango, the world’s first and only association management ERP software, simplifies both administrative processes and member management. Contact us to learn how Aidango can help you overcome these challenges and achieve more efficient solutions for managing your organization.


Work Remotely With Your Team

Companies that have adapted to the modern age by conducting their business online have gained a significant advantage in the modern workplace. One of the key software solutions that facilitate remote work is Aidango.

How Should the Alumni Association Be?

The Alumni Association aims to increase solidarity among alumni, contribute to the development of the educational institution, provide job opportunities for graduates, address the problems of the institution and the alumni, and connect and cooperate with other national and international associations and organizations within the framework of these purposes. It also supports these organizations and institutions when necessary.

How to Run a Campaign with SMS Donation System?

These are donations collected by foundations, associations, and non-governmental organizations by sending an SMS to the short number defined by mobile service providers. This system is used to reach those in need in cases of social responsibility, natural disasters, and similar situations. Thanks to this system, which greatly benefits both institutions and charitable donors who contribute by sending SMS, the amount of donations that institutions can collect increases, and the donation periods are shortened.

How is the Foundation Established?

Pursuant to Article 102 of the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, the intention to establish a foundation must be declared through an official deed executed by a notary public or in a testamentary disposition. However, to formally establish the foundation, an application must be made to the authorized court of first instance, and the foundation must be registered. The foundation acquires legal personality upon registration in the registry maintained by the settlement court.

What is Required for Online Membership Application?

In the not-too-distant past, becoming a member of an association or foundation involved visiting the organization in person, gathering detailed information about its structure and activities, and, after spending considerable time, deciding to join. If everything aligned, the membership process would be completed. Today, however, these processes can be completed in just a few minutes. Joining an association or foundation that accepts online membership applications has become an effortless task, taking only a few seconds for the end user.

What Should Non-Governmental Organizations Be Like?

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are non-profit entities where individuals with diverse viewpoints come together for a common purpose. Independent of official institutions and without state interests, their primary aim is to benefit society.

Information about Association Membership Procedures

Generally, individuals and legal entities with legal capacity have the right to become members of associations. However, the specific membership conditions are outlined in the association's regulations and any special provisions established by law. To become a member, individuals must submit a written application to the association. The board of directors is responsible for making the decision to accept or reject the application in accordance with the association's charter, and the applicant must be notified of the decision within 30 days.

What to Consider When Choosing Association Software?

Association software consists of streamlined programs designed to address the needs of foundations and associations in areas such as data storage, display, and process management. These programs are built with a software architecture that adapts to current technological advancements. Given the rapid evolution of technology, association software is continually developing and expanding in scope. Whereas previously it was a program installed on a computer at the association's headquarters, today’s association software often leverages cloud technology and, where appropriate, includes artificial intelligence support.

Association Software for Those Who Do Not Collect Income

Foundations, associations, and non-governmental organizations typically rely on membership fees or donations to fulfill their core missions and cover expenses. If you believe that the organization you are affiliated with does not fit this description and does not require an association management program, we recommend reading our article carefully before making a decision.

Considerations for Raising Adequate Donations

For associations, foundations, and NGOs, the key to sustaining their activities is undoubtedly the donations collected. If a regular donor does not have a large audience, the most effective way to collect donations for an association is, of course, through a donation campaign. Fundraising campaigns are activities with wide participation and time restrictions, including regular donors.

Ways to Always Keep the Member Database Updated

The most important step for an association to achieve its goals is undoubtedly establishing healthy communication with its members. Each member must provide the information requested during the membership process to be entered into the membership database. From that point on, this data should be stored in the member database and kept in a way that allows you to communicate with your members whenever necessary.

Association Software Cloud Technology

The association software liberates employees and managers through the use of cloud technology. To explain this in more detail, it is important to first understand cloud technology. Cloud technology is an information technology that enables web-based applications to deliver uninterrupted service. It eliminates the need for a specific physical location and allows transactions to be completed swiftly, thanks to its robust infrastructure.

How to Obtain Fundraising Permit?

Associations, foundations, sports clubs, institutions, media outlets, and similar organizations obtain permission from the relevant authorities to collect aid. This permission is necessary to achieve their objectives, provide assistance to those in need, and collect donations to carry out one or more public services in the interest of the public.

Foreign Associations Opening Branches in Turkey

The procedures required for foreign associations and foundations to open branches and representative offices in Turkey are determined by the provisions of the Associations Law and the Associations Regulation. Associations and foundations that fulfill these obligations are permitted to open branches and representative offices in Turkey.

What is Member Tracking Software?

The Member Tracking System is a tool designed to facilitate the monitoring of members in foundations, associations, sports halls, clubs, and similar organizations. This system allows for the easy tracking of information such as the times members enter and leave the buildings and facilities of the institution.