Donation & Dues Portal

Track Dues Records with Private Accounts for Your Members

Easily manage member and membership processes and track dues more efficiently with Aidango. Let your members review their own records and check their donations and dues. In this way, you can communicate better with the members of your association or foundation. Monitor financial processes more effectively.

Donation and Dues Portal Tracking

Let Your Donors Track Their Donations from a Single Screen

Member Private Account

Member Private Account

With Aidango, your members can log in to their personal accounts and easily track their dues records. This helps your members better understand their financial situation and contributions, while allowing you to manage your dues processes more efficiently. In this way, provide a better experience for both your members and your association or foundation.

Donor Special Account

Donor Special Account

With Aidango, your donors can log into their personal accounts and easily track their donations and sponsorships. This helps you provide a more transparent donation experience to your donors, while allowing them to better understand their donations and contributions. In this way, increase the satisfaction and long-term support of your donors.

Recurring Donations

Recurring Donations

Your donors can easily track and organize their recurring donations. This feature allows your donors to manage their donations and adjust them in a way that suits them. Increase donor satisfaction by giving your donors more control and flexibility.

Discover Special Solutions for Your Association & Foundation Organizations

Dues Records

Create and track your dues records in any period you want, monthly, yearly or quarterly, with Aidango. Additionally, manage dues tracking more efficiently and easily control your members' payments.

Dues Records

Dues Payment Tracking

Simplify your management by tracking the payment status of your dues. Keep track of when the dues payments are made, which members do not pay, and delayed payments, and take the necessary precautions. With the dues tracking system, secure your institution's income and make management processes more efficient.

Dues Payment Tracking