Aid in Kind

Manage Your Organizations with Our In-Kind Aid Applications

Manage social aids, sacrificial organizations, Ramadan tables and water well projects separately with user-friendly interfaces.

Sacrifice Organizations Management

By separating your sacrifice donations according to yearly and seasonal groups; Manage processes such as obtaining power of attorney, sharing, distribution to regions according to shares, and slaughter. Notify us at all stages via SMS and e-mail. At the end of the organization, send video and visual shares privately to your shareholders.

Sacrifice Organizations Management

Ramadan Table Management

Track and manage Ramadan tents and tables by region. Send videos and visuals to the donors of the tables opened.

Ramadan Table Management

Warehouse & Stock

Thanks to warehouse and stock management, keep track of the products you distribute and which needers are given to them on a product basis.

Warehouse & Stock
Manage Your Organizations with In-Kind Aid Applications

Kurban, Ramazan Sofraları, Sosyal Yardımlar

Organizasyonlarınızı kolay, hızlı ve izlenebilir sistemler üzerinden kontrol edin.

  • Victim Tracking

    Identify your equity-based victim organizations step by step. Select the country where the organization is located and send videos and images to your donors via SMS and e-mail.

  • Ramadan Table Tracking

    Manage your shares and all your Ramadan table organizations with video and visual sharing. In this way, convey the organization's progress and results to donors more effectively.

  • Social Helps

    With warehouse stock applications, you can easily track in which warehouses your aid materials are located and the quantities of these materials. In this way, manage your relief supplies more effectively and deliver them to those in need on time.

Victim Tracking
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can the Eid al-Adha and yearly periods be followed separately in Eid al-Adha organizations?

    Yes. You can follow Eid al-Adha and your annual organizations separately from our period definitions.

  • Sacrifice types such as vow, akika, wajib, etc. Can the distinctions be distinguished?

    Yes. When receiving a sacrifice donation, you can specify which type of sacrifice donation will be made according to your organization and turn it on and off according to your organization periods.

  • Can the videos and images of the organizations be sent to the donors through the system?

    Yes. You can send videos and images of your organizations to your shareholders via SMS and e-mail.

  • The organizations take place in different countries and regions. Is it possible to distinguish between countries and regions?

    Yes. You can define which country and region your organizations will be in and get reports based on this distinction.

  • Sosyal yardımlarda yapılan yardımları nasıl takip edebliyoruz?

    You can save the aid materials you distribute within the scope of social aid according to warehouse types in the system with warehouse and stock applications. You can track on the system the date these products were given, to whom they were given, and how much product is left in your warehouse.