Financial Aid

Manage Your Cash Aid Quickly and Simply

Manage your cash aid by categorizing it into different types, such as scholarships, direct cash aid, and crowdfunding applications.

Scholarship Management

Open dedicated scholarship registrations for each of your scholars with scholarship and sponsor matching. Manage your scholarships according to periodic principles by defining scholarship periods with seasonal criteria. Track your scholars and sponsors using the monthly and quarterly scholarship distribution system. Send reminder SMS notifications to sponsors for any undelivered donations.

Scholarship Management

Cash Aid Management

Simplify the management of your beneficiary and donor records by creating active, inactive, old, and rejected lists. Ensure service continuity by matching donors with those in need who receive regular aid. Make it easier to identify people in need through reference records.

Cash Aid Management

Custom Definition Parameter

Segment sponsors and those in need using specific parameters. Identify individuals in need by applying filters based on the established criteria.

Custom Definition Parameter
Experience Ease in Cash Aid with Aidango
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can old and new records be distinguished in donor and needy records?

    Yes, you can list your donor and beneficiary records as candidate, active, old and deeded records.

  • Do all incoming scholarship donations have to be distributed at that time?

    No. You can transfer annual donations made in one lump sum in installments when their due date arrives. Scholarship management offers special convenience for its users.

  • Some scholarships are given monthly, some scholarships are given annually. How will I distinguish?

    You can define scholarships based on seasonal and term definitions, and according to the intervals set by your association. You can create and track monthly, annual, or even quarterly scholarship periods as needed.