Ways to Always Keep the Member Database Updated

Ways to Always Keep the Member Database Updated

The most important step for an association to realize its goals is undoubtedly the healthy communication it establishes with its members. Each member must notify you of the information you request from them during the membership process to be processed in the membership database. From this point on, this data should be stored in the member database and kept in a way that you can use it to communicate with your members whenever you need.

Ways to Always Keep the Member Database Updated

We Should Keep the Members Database Updated, But How?

The most important step for an association to realize its goals is undoubtedly the healthy communication it establishes with its members. Each member must notify you of the information you request from them during the membership process to be processed in the membership database. From this point on, this data should be stored in the member database and kept in a way that you can use it to communicate with your members whenever you need. Over time, the contact information of your members may become out of date. Although an outdated member database means extra work for you, it is actually a harbinger of a much more serious event. It is not possible for an association that does not have communication with its members to find the necessary support to survive. Therefore, keeping the member database up-to-date is a vital issue. In this article, let's look for an answer to the question of how we can keep the member database up-to-date by looking deeply ...

1. Traditional Methods

A few decades ago, when technology was not so advanced yet, the member database could be kept up-to-date with a method that we can now call the traditional method. In this method, the director of the association called all members one by one to confirm the member information in his hand, ensuring both association - member interaction and confirming the up-to-dateness of communication and other information. Although this method seems like a healthy method, it cannot be said that it is in use anymore since it is a system that brings extra resource load for association management and progresses slowly.

2. Automation

With Aidango association management software, updating member database is much easier. Thanks to the ability to use social media accounts while logging into the system via your website, all up-to-date data of the member is automatically updated from the social media accounts when logging into the system, ensuring the update of the member database. This method also increases the user experience for your member.

3. Self Update

Every person who is a member of your association can log in on your website with the username and password provided, update their profile, contact and other information, and pay dues and donations. Aidango offers fully customizable forms and a panel where you can always update all the information you request from your members. In this way, each member can ensure that their information is up-to-date without any trouble.

Apart from the three items mentioned above, there are many facilities offered to you by Aidango. To mention these briefly;

1. You can send e-mails and sms to your members from the communication module on your Aidango management panel. By examining the status reports generated by the system as a result of these e-mails and sms, you will have the opportunity to easily determine which e-mail or telephone number is no longer up-to-date.

2. When you come together with your members at the events organized by your association, you will have the chance to update your members' information with a mobile phone or tablet computer you will have in the event area. Thanks to the applications developed for Android and iOS, you have the freedom to access the system from all devices and do the operation you want.

3. With Aidango, you have the opportunity to update the data of more than one member at once by performing a batch update process. In addition, the information of your members is kept under protection with special layers of security.

4. Based on all these up-to-date data, you can divide your members into different categories, and send customized e-mails and sms, taking these categories into consideration.

In this article, we talked about the convenience of the member database and Aidango association software in updating the member database. For more detailed information about Aidango, do not hesitate to contact us.


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Companies that have adapted to the modern age by conducting their business online, have come to the forefront in the world of work. One of the important software that makes it easy to work from home is Aidango.

How to Run a Campaign with SMS Donation System?

These are donations collected by foundations, associations and non-governmental organizations by sending an SMS to the short sms number defined by mobile service providers in order to reach those in need in cases of social responsibility, natural disasters and similar situations. Thanks to the system that brings great convenience to institutions and charitable donors who donate by sending sms, the amount of donations that institutions can collect increases while the periods are shortened.

What is Required for Online Membership Application?

In a not too distant past, we would visit the association and foundation that we were interested in and want to be a part of, and get detailed information about both the organization's structure and its activities, and if everything went well after spending considerable time, we would become a member. Nowadays, all these processes can be done in a few minutes. Becoming a member of an association or foundation that can receive an online membership application has been a very effortless process that takes no more than a few seconds for the end user.

Information about Association Membership Procedures

Generally, real and legal persons with de facto competence have the right to become a member of associations. In addition, the membership conditions specified in the special regulations determined by the laws and the association regulations and the membership conditions of the associations are determined. If individuals wish to become a member of the association, they must apply to the association in writing, and the decision of acceptance or rejection must be made by the board of directors of the association in accordance with the association's charter and must be notified to the applicant within 30 days.

Association Software for Those Who Do Not Collect Income

Foundations, associations and non-governmental organizations usually need membership fees or donations to fulfill their existential goals and to meet their own expenses. If you think the institution you are affiliated to does not fit this definition and you do not need an association management program, we recommend that you read our article carefully before making a decision.

Why Member Management System?

You have a great team and are you complaining about not getting the results you want despite working long hours? Then this article is for you. If one or more of the items that we will briefly mention below describe your situation, you should immediately review your resources and seriously consider acquiring a member management system.

How Should the Alumni Association Be?

Alumni Association, to increase the solidarity between the alumni, to contribute to the development of the educational institution, to provide job opportunities for the graduates, to deal with the problems of the institution and the alumni, to contact and cooperate with other national and international associations and organizations within the framework of these purposes and to support these organizations and associations when necessary. institutions that undertake missions such as participating in their work.

How is the Foundation Established?

Pursuant to Article 102 of the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, the will to establish a foundation is declared by an official deed to be made in the form of a notary public or a testamentary disposition. However, in order to establish the foundation, it is necessary to apply to the authorized court of first instance and ensure its registration. The foundation acquires legal personality upon registration in the registry held at the settlement court.

What Should Non-Governmental Organizations Be Like?

Non-governmental organizations are non-profit organizations where people with different opinions come together for a purpose, independent of official institutions and have no interest in the state, and their main purpose is for the benefit of society.

What to Consider When Choosing Association Software?

Association software is simple or compact programs that can meet the needs of foundations and associations in subjects such as data storage, display and process management, created with a software architecture suitable for current technologies. Considering that the technology changes and develops day by day, the development of the association software evolves towards different points with each passing day. While yesterday it was a program installed on a computer at the headquarters of the association, today we can talk about the concept of association software, which freely uses cloud technology and can include artificial intelligence support as appropriate.

Considerations for Raising Adequate Donations

For associations, foundations and NGOs, the key to sustaining their activities is undoubtedly the donations collected. If the regular donor does not have a large audience; The most valid way to collect donations for an association is of course a donation campaign. Fundraising campaigns are activities with wide participation and time restrictions, including regular donors.

Association Software Cloud Technology

The association software liberates the association's employees and managers thanks to cloud technology. In order to explain this subject in more detail, first of all, it is necessary to explain the cloud technology in an understandable way. Cloud technology is an information technology that enables web-based applications to provide uninterrupted service, prevents you from being connected to any place, and allows you to do your transactions very quickly thanks to the strong infrastructure it provides.

How to Obtain Fundraising Permit?

The permission to collect aid is obtained from the relevant authorities by associations, foundations, sports clubs, institutions, media outlets and similar organizations in order to realize their purposes, to provide aid to the needy and to collect aid in order to perform one or more of the public services in accordance with the public interest.

Foreign Associations Opening Branches in Turkey

The procedures required for foreign associations and foundations to open branches and representative offices in Turkey are determined by the provisions of the Associations Law and Associations Regulation. Associations and foundations that fulfill these obligations can open branches and representations in Turkey.

What is Member Tracking Software?

Member tracking system is the name of the system that facilitates the tracking of members in foundations, associations, sports halls, locals and similar organizations. Thanks to this system, information such as which member enters and leaves the buildings and facilities of the relevant institution at what time can be easily followed.