Online Donation & Payment

Use Online Donations to Put Your Priority Donations First

Group the donations that will be published on your website by categories and add links to these donations to quickly access the relevant donation areas.



Accelerate Your Donation Process with Integration Options

Create your donations quickly thanks to virtual POS and bank integrations.



Virtual POS Integrations

Virtual POS Integrations

Offer your donors the opportunity to make fast and reliable donations via your website thanks to Virtual POS integration.

Bank Transaction Integrations

Bank Transaction Integrations

Manage donations to your accounts with bank transaction integration and save time by automatically generating receipts.

SMS Integration

SMS Integration

With SMS integration, send notification SMS to your donors to instantly confirm their donations. Make the donation process more effective by giving confidence to your donors.

Secure Donation Retrieval

Ensure your donors can donate hassle-free with 3D Secure as a secure payment method.

Secure Donation Retrieval

Online Fundraising

Analyze which donations come from which region, thanks to online donations.

Online Fundraising

Donation Management and Highlighting

Make your donations easily accessible with slider and icon directions on your website.

Donation Management and Highlighting
Discover Ready Systems for Associations and Foundations

Easily Manage Your Online Donation and Payment Processes

View All Your Stages with One Click

  • Ability to Receive Multiple Donations at the Same Time

    Receive donations from different types of donor groups at the same time with online donations.

  • Receiving Continuous Donations with Repetitive POS

    Receive and track any donation regularly and continuously based on your donors' request.

  • Ability to Track Your Own Donation

    Let your donors track their donations through their web memberships.

  • Secure Online Donation Receiving and SMS Sending

    Ensure that your donors can donate safely and quickly and receive notification SMS after donations.

Ability to Receive Multiple Donations at the Same Time

Growing Your Organization Is Much Easier With Online Donations

Have Continuous and Secure Transactions

Online Donation & Payment - Overview - Visual List
Online Donations

Online Donations

Get fast results in your organization with online donations.

Recurring Donations

Recurring Donations

Make sure your donations are continuous with recurring donations.

Secure Donation

Secure Donation

Ensure your donors can donate smoothly and quickly with 3D Secure.

Multiple Concurrent Donations

Multiple Concurrent Donations

Provide the opportunity to make multiple donations at the same time with online donations.